Geometria em Lisboa

2020.05.12 Non-commutative integrable systems and their singularities

2020.05.12 Non-commutative integrable systems and their singularities

Rui Loja Fernandes

373 Visualizações

2020.05.19 A construction of  D_k asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons from Atiyah-Hitchin and Taub-NUT geometries

2020.05.19 A construction of D_k asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons from Atiyah-Hitchin and Taub-NUT geometries

Michael Singer

333 Visualizações

2020.06.30 Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases

2020.06.30 Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases

Tara Holm

279 Visualizações

2020.07.28 Intrinsic Mirror Symmetry

2020.07.28 Intrinsic Mirror Symmetry

Mark Gross

315 Visualizações

2020.07.21 On the marked length spectrum and geodesic stretch in negative curvature

2020.07.21 On the marked length spectrum and geodesic stretch in negative curvature

Colin Guillarmou

292 Visualizações

2020.09.15 Kähler-Einstein metrics, Archimedean Zeta functions and phase transitions

2020.09.15 Kähler-Einstein metrics, Archimedean Zeta functions and phase transitions

Robert Berman

245 Visualizações

2020.09.08 Lagrangian cobordism and Chow groups

2020.09.08 Lagrangian cobordism and Chow groups

Nick Sheridan

286 Visualizações

2020.10.20 SYZ mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces and rational elliptic surfaces

2020.10.20 SYZ mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces and rational elliptic surfaces

Tristan C. Collins

293 Visualizações

2020.10.27 On symplectic inner and outer radii of some convex domains

2020.10.27 On symplectic inner and outer radii of some convex domains

Yaron Ostrover

300 Visualizações

2020.11.10 Torsion line bundles and branes on the Hitchin system

2020.11.10 Torsion line bundles and branes on the Hitchin system

Emilio Franco

331 Visualizações

 2022.10.18 Virasoro constraints in sheaf theory

2022.10.18 Virasoro constraints in sheaf theory

Miguel Moreira

127 Visualizações

 2022.11.07 A Yau-Tian-Donaldson correspondence on a class of toric fibration

2022.11.07 A Yau-Tian-Donaldson correspondence on a class of toric fibration

Simon Jubert

146 Visualizações

 2022.12.06 Characterization of quasi-abelian surfaces

2022.12.06 Characterization of quasi-abelian surfaces

Sofia Tirabassi

150 Visualizações

 2022.12.13 Symplectic embeddings of Hirzebruch surfaces - Part 1

2022.12.13 Symplectic embeddings of Hirzebruch surfaces - Part 1

Nicki Magill

146 Visualizações

 2023.01.17 Counting closed geodesics and improving Weyl’s law for predominant sets of metrics

2023.01.17 Counting closed geodesics and improving Weyl’s law for predominant sets of metrics

Yaiza Canzani

152 Visualizações

 2021.03.09 On the number of fixed points of periodic flows

2021.03.09 On the number of fixed points of periodic flows

Leonor Godinho

265 Visualizações

 2021.04.27 On generalized hyperpolygons

2021.04.27 On generalized hyperpolygons

Laura Schaposnik

246 Visualizações

 2021.09.28 Smoothability of non normal stable Gorenstein Godeaux surfaces

2021.09.28 Smoothability of non normal stable Gorenstein Godeaux surfaces

Barbara Fantechi

212 Visualizações

2021.09.14 Harmonic branched coverings and uniformization of CAT(k) spheres

2021.09.14 Harmonic branched coverings and uniformization of CAT(k) spheres

Christine Breiner

226 Visualizações

 2021.07.20 On stratifications and moduli

2021.07.20 On stratifications and moduli

Olivia Dumitrescu

242 Visualizações

 2021.11.23 On symplectic capacities and their blind spots

2021.11.23 On symplectic capacities and their blind spots

Ely Kerman

311 Visualizações

 2021.12.07 Khovanov homology and the search for exotic 4-spheres

2021.12.07 Khovanov homology and the search for exotic 4-spheres

Ciprian Manolescu

223 Visualizações

 2022.02.01 Resolving the rank 2 Hitchin system by compactified Jacobians of semi-stable curves

2022.02.01 Resolving the rank 2 Hitchin system by compactified Jacobians of semi-stable curves

Johannes Horn

196 Visualizações

 2022.02.15 The Gromov width of Lagrangian complements

2022.02.15 The Gromov width of Lagrangian complements

Richard Hind

307 Visualizações