Geometria em Lisboa

2020.05.12 Non-commutative integrable systems and their singularities

2020.05.12 Non-commutative integrable systems and their singularities

Rui Loja Fernandes

373 Visualizações

2020.05.19 A construction of  D_k asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons from Atiyah-Hitchin and Taub-NUT geometries

2020.05.19 A construction of D_k asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons from Atiyah-Hitchin and Taub-NUT geometries

Michael Singer

333 Visualizações

2020.06.02 Probabilistic aspects of toric Kahler geometry

2020.06.02 Probabilistic aspects of toric Kahler geometry

Steve Zelditch

362 Visualizações

2020.09.15 Kähler-Einstein metrics, Archimedean Zeta functions and phase transitions

2020.09.15 Kähler-Einstein metrics, Archimedean Zeta functions and phase transitions

Robert Berman

245 Visualizações

2020.09.08 Lagrangian cobordism and Chow groups

2020.09.08 Lagrangian cobordism and Chow groups

Nick Sheridan

286 Visualizações

2020.09.22 Weak SYZ conjecture for hypersurfaces in the Fermat family

2020.09.22 Weak SYZ conjecture for hypersurfaces in the Fermat family

Yang Li

290 Visualizações

2020.10.13 On the space of Kähler metrics

2020.10.13 On the space of Kähler metrics

Xiuxiong Chen

264 Visualizações

2020.11.24 Dynamical implications of convexity beyond dynamical convexity

2020.11.24 Dynamical implications of convexity beyond dynamical convexity

Leonardo Macarini

253 Visualizações

 2021.02.10 A Smale-Barden manifold admitting a K-contact but not Sasakian structure

2021.02.10 A Smale-Barden manifold admitting a K-contact but not Sasakian structure

Vicente Muñoz

295 Visualizações

 2021.03.09 On the number of fixed points of periodic flows

2021.03.09 On the number of fixed points of periodic flows

Leonor Godinho

265 Visualizações

 2021.04.13 Global Slodowy slices for moduli spaces of Lambda-connections

2021.04.13 Global Slodowy slices for moduli spaces of Lambda-connections

Brian Collier

245 Visualizações

 2021.04.06 What does a Besse contact sphere look like?

2021.04.06 What does a Besse contact sphere look like?

Marco Mazzuchelli

272 Visualizações

2020.06.09 Partial orders on contactomorphism groups and their Lie algebras

2020.06.09 Partial orders on contactomorphism groups and their Lie algebras

Kai Cieliebak

312 Visualizações

2020.07.14 Symplectic rational G-surfaces and the plane Cremona group

2020.07.14 Symplectic rational G-surfaces and the plane Cremona group

Tian-Jun Li

380 Visualizações

2020.07.07 Abel-Jacobi maps and the moduli of differentials

2020.07.07 Abel-Jacobi maps and the moduli of differentials

Rahul Pandharipande

367 Visualizações

2020.07.28 Intrinsic Mirror Symmetry

2020.07.28 Intrinsic Mirror Symmetry

Mark Gross

315 Visualizações

2020.07.21 On the marked length spectrum and geodesic stretch in negative curvature

2020.07.21 On the marked length spectrum and geodesic stretch in negative curvature

Colin Guillarmou

292 Visualizações

2020.10.20 SYZ mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces and rational elliptic surfaces

2020.10.20 SYZ mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces and rational elliptic surfaces

Tristan C. Collins

293 Visualizações

2020.11.10 Torsion line bundles and branes on the Hitchin system

2020.11.10 Torsion line bundles and branes on the Hitchin system

Emilio Franco

331 Visualizações

2020.11.03 The rectangular peg problem

2020.11.03 The rectangular peg problem

Andrew Lobb

323 Visualizações

 2021.01.12 Counting curves and stabilized symplectic embedding conjecture

2021.01.12 Counting curves and stabilized symplectic embedding conjecture

Dusa McDuff

266 Visualizações

 2021.01.05 On the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for spherical varieties

2021.01.05 On the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for spherical varieties

Thibaut Delcroix

296 Visualizações

 2021.02.23 Duality and coproducts in Rabinowitz-Floer homology

2021.02.23 Duality and coproducts in Rabinowitz-Floer homology

Alexandru Oancea

254 Visualizações

 2021.03.16 Compact hyper-Kähler and Fano manifolds

2021.03.16 Compact hyper-Kähler and Fano manifolds

Giulia Saccà

283 Visualizações